Prepping your Home for Hurricane Season in Coral Gables, Florida

Prepping your home for hurricane season in Coral Gables, FL

As a handyman, we are prepping our customer’s houses for a hurricane season by making it essential to do’s to minimize the damage caused by winds and water. Here we are going to list some of the services done for our customers:

Trimming the trees
Reducing the debris generated during a storm to stay off your house.

Gutter and Downspouts Maintenance and Cleaning
During the cleaning process, inspecting and ensuring that the gutters and downspouts are secured to don’t fly away in heavy wind.

Gas Generator
If the customer has a gas generator, we are testing them to ensure that it is in good working condition.

Sealing up any gaps in doors and windows
Caulking cracks and gaps in areas where cable wires, outlets, vents, and pipes enter the home. Sealing all gaps vulnerable to the elements (wind, water, and bugs). When necessary, replacing the weather stripping for door and windows.

If you have questions on how can I help you on your demand, please, let me know your best schedule to make an appointment to take off your doubts or text me with your name, and the question, that I will contact you ASAP. I want to assist you in the best way is possible. If it is something that not fit me, I will tell you what kind of professional will be required to do the job.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article. Would love your thoughts, please comment.


Know the Terms:
Understanding the terms used to describe the threat of a hurricane can help determine the severity of an impending storm and how best to respond.

Understanding the terms used to describe the threat of a hurricane.

For more information, check out this links below:

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